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Song o' the Week: Tamashii Revolution by Superfly

Because she's super fly.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Another Year: The Saga Continues

Hi again readers!

Yes, it's been a while. You thought I was done with this blog after study abroad, right? Hardly. Of course I was going back to Japan! I've decided to repurpose this blog from my study abroad days in Kyoto and use it to give updates on my year teaching English in Miyoshi.

Long story short, I went back to Tufts for senior year, graduated in 2013, and then got a job as an ALT (Assistant Language Teacher) with Interac -- kind of like JET, but a private company. After many months of anticipation, the time has come--I'm about to start my week of job training! It's in Okayama, the capital of Okayama Prefecture, and a surprisingly urban city given its rural surroundings. It starts on Monday March 24th, and we leave for our placements on Sunday March 30th. One of Japan's three most famous and beautiful gardens is there, so hopefully we won't be too busy to see that!

When that's done, I'll be all settled into Miyoshi, a city of just over 56,000 in Hiroshima Prefecture, just over an hour north of Hiroshima, the capital city (which, in contrast, has a little over 1 million, so almost the size of Kyoto). I don't know details about the apartment, but it's sure to be tiny, and I'll be helping teach elementary and middle school students. Here's some more info on the city.

And with that, it's time to sign off, since my layover in Toronto is almost up. I'm off to change huge wads of USD to yen so I don't have to worry about it there (it will come in quite handy -- Japan is very much a cash society), and then board the plane to Tokyo! I'm staying there overnight and exploring a bit before we have to be at the training hotel on Sunday night. A 3.5 hour ride on the shinkansen should give me some extra time to prepare my intro lesson.

See you on the other side.

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